12 Apr

30 years

I don’t spend much time blogging any more, but I always want to write something on my birthday… So, things I learned or practices I adopted in my 20s(and maybe before):

Be kind

work hard

usually people are just trying their best. Assume that.

you can unfollow people on fb and still be their friend (on fb and off)

it’s good to do things by yourself

if you want to do things with other people, be the one to plan it

if you want to do things with other people then say “YES!” when they ask you, even if you’re not sure you will like what they want to do or it isn’t “your thing”

It’s ok to take a rest day and decide that you need to be alone 

sometimes people ask you for things even when they know you’ll say “no.” and you should totally not feel guilted into saying anything but “no.”

Apply for the thing.

Mr. Clean magic erasers work so well, as do the Target off brand version and a combination of vinegar and water (for carpet and rugs)

Laying out your clothes for the week (or at least the day) feels lame but is really helpful

Dogs are awesome

most animals are awesome


If the book/tv show/movie/et al is no longer interesting… stop reading/watching/listening. 

If it’s not working turn it off and on again.  Still not working? Unplug it and plug it back in.

If you’re day isn’t working, decide to start over. Take a nap, a coffee break or a shower and pretend that anything prior to that happened yesterday.

Before you buy a clothing item or accessory, think of 3 things you can pair it with in your closet.  If you can’t do that then don’t buy it.

When you buy something for yourself, get rid of something else (give it away, donate, throw it out)

You can give advice but people don’t have to take it.  Also, you can receive advice but not actually follow it.  IT’S ALLOWED.

x begets x and y begets y… so if you want more of something you have to do more of that thing.  Like if I want to dance and be better at dancing I need to dance more. This seems obvious but sometimes I pretend that Netflix begets productivity and that is very wrong.

One day a month go on your phone/computer camera roll and organize/back up your photos.

Never leave anything in the computer recycling bin, empty it or put it somewhere if you think you’ll need it again (er, you probably won’t though)

A completed to do list is just the best thing ever.

Dressing monochromatically is so chic and will never go out of style

paper planners > ical

Iphones are kind of great

when you’re not sure how to proceed, try to do the most loving thing