24 Aug

Fall Update

photo credit – Lacy de la Garza
Gee, I’m doing great at this whole keeping up with the blog thing… Once a season will have to do for now!

I gave you my update on my plans for the summer, and the summer was FULL of teaching, and patios, and barre classes, and trying to take class, and dog days, rompers and jumpsuits and making way too much choreography. But all the programs turned out great, and the choreography was presented, and the rompers were worn.

Oh, and we had another successful performance at imPULSE dance project!

And now Fall. I realize that actual fall is not for another month. And Texas fall doesn’t actually begin for 2-3 months. But for me summer is over, and here’s what’s next.

Dance Faculty – Fort Worth Academy of Fine Arts and Texas Dance Conservatory

My new job!  If you follow me on social media, you’ve already read the update, but the short version is that in the spring I was approached to interview for a dance faculty position at FWAFA. This was a unique position in that it called for normal teaching hours, as well as hours teaching for their new after school dance conservatory program.  Taking this position has meant that I’ve had to leave or cut back at many other jobs, which is of course bittersweet, but the opportunity to train dancers in a great environment that is so close to home is extremely exciting to me. This position also allows me to complete my Texas teacher’s certificate and choreograph.

Smart Barre – Open Level Barre Classes!

I’m still teaching 3 classes/week and the occasional fill in at my favorite workout studio in Fort Worth! Check out their website to find out when I’m teaching.

Other stuff I’m still doing that’s sort of in the works and I don’t have much specific stuff to share, but I’m going to share anyway:

imPULSE dance project – holiday performance of Snow
directing one of the student dance companies at FWAFA
top secret project with my brother
new projects with FurtherDance Fort Worth
going to TCU football games
wearing jumpsuits
trying the new Pumpkin Spice lattes that supposedly will have real pumpkin in them now

Bring on Fall!